
Vous pouvez écouter des podcasts et apprendre à comprendre, gérer et utiliser les informations sur les incidents liés à la sécurité afin d’améliorer la gestion des risques de sécurité de votre organisation et l’accès aux populations touchées par les crises.

Podcasts sur les incidents humanitaires

14 December 2018


NGO Security Management

Épisode 5 – Établir la confiance sur le terrain : la perspective nationale

In this episode of the Humanitarian Incidents podcast we speak to Nour Kossaibany, security lead at the International Rescue Committee.

Nour explains why keeping national staff and local partner staff safe is critical for organisations and effective programme delivery. She discusses how security risk management and incident information can support this goal.

Nour works with IRC in Lebanon, where she is from, and where part of her job is humanitarian negotiation mainly to ease access and maintain safer programming. She has two degrees: one in Political Sciences and one in Economics. She is currently pursuing a distance learning masters at SOAS-University of London in Global Diplomacy with emphasis on the MENA region. She has five years of experience with different INGOs in Lebanon (IMC, Oxfam GB, CARE).

Listen to episode 5 on Amazon or Spotify or return to Podcast menu.